Ein großes Hochseeschiff das am Ufer steht. Davor steht eine Menschenmege.

Operation Mobilisation e. V.

OM (Operation Mobilisation e. V.) is a Christian relief and mission organization that is active in 120 countries. Its activities are varied and range from emergency aid after disasters, supporting refugee camps, youth and sports work to collaborations with Christian churches. Concerts and large events for teenagers are also among its core competencies.

The deep-sea ship "Logos Hope", which belongs to the organization, is used as a floating conference and cultural center or to transport relief supplies. It also houses the largest floating bookshop in the world. OM relies on high-quality goods from SOMMER CABLE  for many of its events, at several locations worldwide and on board the Logos Hope. We are pleased to be able to contribute to the work of the relief organization with our cables.

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