Ein Bild von unserem Schul-und Bildungsprojekt eQUiP-Magu in Ruanda. Abgebildet ist eine Schulklasse. Der Lehrer steht in der Mitte und die Schüler sitzen an ihren Tischen.

SOMMER CABLE  supports the eQUiP-Magu school and education project in Rwanda:

The vision of the eQUiP-Magu school and education project

"Every child is unique and there are very special abilities and strengths in every child. We want all children to be able to reach this God-given potential, especially in education, so that they are able to make a positive impact on their family, community and country. We want to use technology to give children in remote villages access to quality education. We want to build an education center near Magu elementary school and equip it with solar energy and computers. This will give children and young people the opportunity to learn, deepen their knowledge and develop their full potential."

What is special about this project is that the community of Magu is involved in the process, not in the sense of the classic one-way street of "aid", but rather to help create new infrastructure, better education and new opportunities. It is intended to be first and foremost a community effort, not aid that promotes dependency.

So an intercultural team was created, made up of people from Rwanda as well as Germany: "We discuss things through and do not make quick decisions if there is no agreement. We are in close contact with the Magu community. We want their views, their ideas, we want the advice of leaders and key people from Magu. And we also want their input. We want an attitude like "We can do this together," "Let's work together for the future of our children," "Let's bring in the resources we have and do what we can," "Let's build a strong community here by working hard together," rather than "Let's see what they build here for us." Of course, the main work is done by paid labor, but these are our thoughts and approaches to involving the community from the beginning. And we know that in Rwanda, the well-being of the community and the next generation is a very high priority. So we are very excited to see how eQuip Magu will continue to grow."

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