Profi-Triathlet Samuel Boettinger beim Fahrrad fahren auf einem Weg. Im Hintergrund sind Wälder zu sehen.
Ein Portrait von Profi-Triathlet Samuel Boettinger unter blauem Himmel
Profi-Triathlet Samuel Boettinger beim Rennen.

Professional triathlete, German middle distance champion, trained carpenter, family man, Christian

Sport has always been a topic at SOMMER CABLE - let it be in terms of job bikes, joint yoga classes in the company building, health days for employees or participation in company runs or similar... We are particularly enthusiastic when sporting dreams are pursued with a lot of passion, heart and soul and an exemplary attitude. So we decided to sponsor and financially support Samuel Böttinger, professional triathlete.

"Whether through my time in Nigeria teaching physical education to elementary school children and working on a vegetable plantation, through my work as a ski/ and snowboard instructor at Tauernhof, a Christian sports Bible school, or through my manual training as a carpenter in the Bregenzerwald, I find being able to combine sports with nature extremely valuable."
"Swimming, cycling, running are my passions. As a triathlete, in addition to discipline, bite and stamina, you need above all joy and enthusiasm for the sport. Triathlon fascinates me and my goal is to be able to compete with the world's best in the middle and long distances. With a tingling in my calves and highly motivated I am looking forward to this challenge. High-performance sports require not only targeted training and continuity, but also an intact environment and professional support."

"As a competitive athlete and role model, it is important to me to maintain a caring eye for fellow human beings and our planet. In addition, it is close to my heart to inspire young people to live a sporty and healthy lifestyle. Three central guiding words that always encourage and accompany me in this, whether during or outside of sports, are: Courage. Joy. Gratitude."
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