Excelsior® - Handmade in Germany
The handcrafted EXCELSIOR® cable series by SOMMER CABLE are 100 % "Made in Germany" and developed with a focus on the special requirements in the high-end sector. For the design of the EXCELSIOR® cable lines we draw on our ample technical know-how and our past experience in the professional broadcasting and studio sector. This means that the cables of the EXCELSIOR® series are thorougly tested and refined in sophisticated measuring procedures and listening checks prior to their market launch to thus ensure an uncompromising quality.
Currently you can choose between the two series EXCELSIOR® classique 1 in a noble burgundy braided sleeve composition and EXCELSIOR® BlueWater in an Ocean Blue design. More cable variants as well as other high-end ranges are already at the planning stage. An individual one-off production in (almost) any desired length – without custom length surcharge – is easily possible.
EXCELSIOR® - Sound - Image - Experience!
Excelsior® Classique
Professionel cable series in a noble braided sleeve design for your hi-fi & home entertainment.
Excelsior® BlueWater